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'Sterk in Verbinden'


Type 790: Spreading conveyor

For creating an evenly distributed product flow.
Type 790 Spreidbaan

A spreader conveyor is ideal for efficiently spreading products across different conveyors and widths, ensuring an even product flow.

Type 790 Spreader conveyor: flexibility in product transport

Our spreader conveyor belt can be configured with a modular belt, a wire mesh belt chain or a toothed belt type, depending on your specific requirements. Type 790 is particularly suitable for handling unpackaged products. It allows you to converge (bring together) or diverge (spread) products smoothly and efficiently to a maximum angle of 6 degrees.

This versatile system ensures that your products are transported to the correct position for further processing, a particularly useful features in situations where you need to spread your products evenly between different conveyors. Another useful application of the spreading conveyor is the ability to converge or divide according to different belt widths.

Spreading Conveyor advantages

  • Accurate line distribution: unlike drop-off belts such as Type 206 and 306, Type 790 distributes products in a straight line, with no angled drop-offs.
  • Smooth transfer: ensures a compact and smooth transition between conveyors.
  • Reliability: guarantees slip-free and stable transport, improving product quality and efficiency.
  • Ease of maintenance: very low-maintenance and easy to clean, reducing operating costs.
  • Expandability: offers numerous options for expansion and modification to your conveying needs.

Our Approach: Excels in Connecting

Connecting separate process steps creates continuity. In just five steps, we develop the perfect production line together with you:

Inventory & Advice
Design & Proposal
Assembly & Setup
Installation & Transport
Service & Maintenance

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