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'Sterk in Verbinden'


With the growing demand for efficiently packed products, Mola B.V. was looking to optimise its packing department operation. Read the case study here.

Efficient packing line for bread and pastries - Mola

Workshop photo

With the growing demand for efficiently packed products, Mola B.V. was looking to optimise its packing department operation. Read the case study here.

Smart setup for improved efficiency

To meet the requirements of in-store bakeries and optimise the packaging process, Mola B.V. asked Marvu to redesign its product packing line. Marvu designed and installed the conveyor connections for the new packaging machines, resulting in a seamless production flow and efficient processing.

Customised solutions for seamless integration

The solution included several customised components that perfectly aligned with the specifications of Mola B.V. Firstly; two tracks were used to supply the product, followed by a merging station and a pneumatic product dividing system. A section with fold-up worktops was added to create access routes, and several operator packing stations were integrated for streamlined operation.


Experienced cooperation with Marvu

Geert Meulensteen, Managing Director of Mola B.V., highlighted the benefits of the project and the close cooperation with Marvu. Integrating two lines into one packaging machine led to a significant reduction in manual work and, therefore, to improved efficiency. In our experience, working with Marvu was extremely pleasant, most notably thanks to the flexibility and in-depth expertise of the Marvu team. Marvu’s early involvement in the preliminary process resulted in the best solution and a successful project meeting expectations. With this revamped packing line, Mola B.V. has improved its operational efficiency and is even better placed to meet the growing demand for high-quality bakery products.

About Mola

Mola B.V. is a leading baking industry player and based in Bergen, the Netherlands. As a producer of frozen, unbaked bakery products, Mola supplies a diverse customer base, including bakeries and retailers with in-store bakeries, such as supermarkets and petrol stations.

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