Marvu Logo

'Sterk in Verbinden'


As a food producer, you bring ingredients together to create tasty end products. We take the same approach at Marvu. With our conveyor solutions, we connect individual production steps to create high-quality food products.

That’s the power of connecting. Learn about our approach:

Our approach

Connect individual process steps and optimise your production process.
Workshop photo

As a food producer, you bring ingredients together to create tasty end products. We take the same approach at Marvu. With our conveyor solutions, we connect individual production steps to create high-quality food products.

That’s the power of connecting. Learn about our approach:


Initial Meeting & Advice

When we meet for the first time, we discuss logistical questions and requirements. If required, our experts will visit the site to get a complete picture of your situation. Based on this, we offer tailored advice.

3D Design & Quotation

Our engineers create a 3D drawing and print of the conveyor solution. That way, you know exactly what you're getting or where adjustments may be needed. We then go through the quotation together. Happy? Then we send you a detailed order confirmation with all technical specifications.

Assembly & Setup

The production team carefully assembles all parts of the conveyor or special machine. Good to know: Marvu works exclusively with food-grade stainless steel structures and plastic conveyors to build our hygienic conveyor systems.

Installation & Transport

Your conveyor belt is ready! We let you decide if you want to collect the conveyor belt or if delivery to your site is more convenient. For large and complex transport systems, we can arrange to deliver, install and test the project on site. Every conveyor system we supply comes with a comprehensive user manual.

Service & Maintenance

We like to stay in touch, even after delivery. We evaluate the project to see if all the work went according to plan. In case further adjustments or instructions are needed, we'll send one of our experts to you. They'll be happy to help your operators on their way.

"The big question we still needed to answer was how to implement this in our production site, and which routing and layout would give the highest efficiency. Marvu found the perfect answer."

- Paul Meeuwissen, Operational Director at Vitelco

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