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'Sterk in Verbinden'


Millenaar Bakkerij needed a more efficient and reliable solution for its internal cooling system as a bakery with a delightful range of specialty cakes. Marvu happened to have the answer they were looking for! Read the case study here.

The efficient solution for a refrigeration system - Millenaar Bakkerij

Workshop photo

Millenaar Bakkerij needed a more efficient and reliable solution for its internal cooling system as a bakery with a delightful range of specialty cakes. Marvu happened to have the answer they were looking for! Read the case study here.

A long-term partnership built on trust

Millenaar Bakkerij and Marvu began working together in 2006 when Millenaar Bakkerij began using a conventional cooling system with metal bars. However, the frequent failures and regular maintenance were the system’s issues. With the aim of improving production processes and minimising downtime, Millenaar Bakkerij chose to partner with Marvu to develop an entirely new cooling solution.

Reliability and efficiency thanks to i-Drive™ modules

The project involved designing and implementing an advanced internal cooling system with Marvu’s innovative i-Drive™ modules as the basis. These modules created a seamless conveyor system with significantly less maintenance and downtime. The new system not only provided significant improvements in operational reliability but also increased efficiency in production.

Years of collaboration, driven by innovation

Jaap Zwart, head of Technical Services at Millenaar Bakkerij, shared his views on the benefits of the new cooling solution: “We now use two cooling systems that Marvu supplied, and I never have an issue with either of them. I’d recommend that my bakery industry peers switch to a refrigeration system with Marvu’s i-Drive™ modules. It’s an exceptionally hygienic system. What’s more, I find it essential to work with a supplier who is reliable. The trust we’ve built up over the years and the great cooperation with Marvu have played a huge role in this success.” All in all, it is a rewarding case – even if we say so ourselves.

About Millenaar Bakkerij

Millenaar Bakkerij is based in the Netherlands and is a prominent player in the bread and pastry industry. Renowned for its specialty cakes in various delicious flavours, the bakery has built a reputation as a reliable supplier of high-quality baked goods. With a strong focus on quality and innovation, Millenaar Bakkerij has worked successfully with a number of partners in recent years to optimise its production processes and provide its customers with the finest and freshest bakery products.

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