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'Sterk in Verbinden'


Marvu and Vandemoortele Brunssum have been working together for many years. But is there also a way to make all conveyors low-maintenance? Your wish is our command. Read the case study here.

Modernised transport system - Vandemoortele Brunssum

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Marvu and Vandemoortele Brunssum have been working together for many years. But is there also a way to make all conveyors low-maintenance? Your wish is our command. Read the case study here.

Increased efficiency through retrofit and modifications

Marvu transformed the existing conveyor system through modifications and a retrofit in this project. The focus was on reducing maintenance and breakdowns, increasing food safety, and improving overall operational reliability. Although the conveyor line’s framework remained intact, the complete conveyor belt and drives were renewed.

Reliability and reducing maintenance

Frank Doelen, head of Technical Services at Vandemoortele Brunssum, says: “The modifications mean we no longer have to lubricate the conveyor belt with oil, which has significantly reduced maintenance as a result. Repairs are now much easier to carry out, and the system is more cleaning-resistant. This has resulted in a substantially increased reliability of our conveyor system.” With Marvu as a long-standing supplier of machines and conveyors, there was already confidence in their capabilities. Vandemoortele Brunssum appreciates not only the outstanding product quality and reliability of Marvu but also its transparent approach. Marvu’s strong after-sales service contributed to the success of this project.

Cooperation for Improved Conveyor Efficiency

Since partnering with Marvu, Vandemoortele Brunssum has built a more efficient conveyor system requiring less maintenance and increasing reliability. By integrating new technologies and maintaining trusted partnerships, Vandemoortele Brunssum remains at the forefront of the bread and pastry industry.



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