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'Sterk in Verbinden'


Type 772: CIP system

Efficient cleaning of modular conveyor belts
Type 772 CIP systeem

Our cleaning module is specially designed for conveyor belt systems in the food industry. With the CIP unit (Clean-In-Place), you can clean modular conveyor belts with virtually no effort. The CIP system consists of mobile as well as fixed CIP units for optimum flexibility.

Aim for thorough cleaning of your conveyor belt

The mobile CIP unit is equipped with all the resources you need to thoroughly clean the conveyor belts. This unit is fitted with convenient ball valves to facilitate you when running cleaning programmes.

The fixed CIP unit is securely mounted in the conveyor and offers two main functions. In Compartment 1, the belt is cleaned with high-pressure water from both the top and bottom. In Compartment 2, the belt is blown dry with compressed air. This ensures that even the last drops are removed from the conveyor belt.

Type 772

The advantages of a CIP System

  • Easy cleaning: the cleaning process is significantly simplified.
  • Efficient drying function: the fixed CIP ensures thorough drying of the belt.
  • Flexible cleaning: the mobile CIP offers flexibility and can be adapted to any process.
  • Various cleaning programmes: gives access to multiple cleaning programmes for maximum versatility.

Our Approach: Excels in Connecting

Connecting separate process steps creates continuity. In just five steps, we develop the perfect production line together with you:

Inventory & Advice
Design & Proposal
Assembly & Setup
Installation & Transport
Service & Maintenance

Do you still have questions about our conveyor belt options?

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