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'Sterk in Verbinden'


Are you looking for a solution to transport meat from the slaughterhouse? Or are you looking for a solution for sorting and packaging your meat products? With our transport machines, you can be sure that the work continues.


Maintain product freshness without wastage.
Transportmachines vleesverwerking

Are you looking for a solution to transport meat from the slaughterhouse? Or are you looking for a solution for sorting and packaging your meat products? With our transport machines, you can be sure that the work continues.

Popular conveyor belts for the meat processing industry:

High-quality material, technical support

By using materials that are resistant to corrosion and wear, for instance from products like blood and grease, our conveyor systems are easy to keep clean. In addition to durable materials, we offer our customers full technical support and service, such as start-up assistance. This keeps the belts rolling and allows you to do your work undisturbed.

Food safety: the number one priority

When processing meat, the unpacked product comes into contact with the conveyor belt or processing machine, creating an unhygienic situation. A common challenge in the meat processing sector where hygiene regulations are incredibly strict. The answer is to ensure the contact surface meets the food safety standards. We know exactly what is needed to achieve this.

Transportmachines vleesverwerking
Transportmachines vleesverwerking

Which type of conveyor belt meets your operation?

To find out which conveyor belt or logistics solution best matches your specific situation, drop by to discuss the options over a cup of coffee. Do you know exactly what you’re looking for? Then check out our selection of conveyor belts.

Converyor belts

"This expansion was highly needed. Thanks to Marvu's customised conveyor lines, the slaughterhouse is now a lot more efficient."

- Steven Jespers, Belki

Do you have any questions about the capabilities of our conveyor belts?

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