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'Sterk in Verbinden'


Modular conveyor belts

Improve efficiency with modular conveyors.
Aanbod transportmachines Marvu

At Marvu, we offer a wide range of modular conveyors, also known as chain conveyor belts, that ensure efficient transport during the production process. The modular conveyors can be used in different food industries, regardless of the cleaning method (dry or wet).

Transportband types

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Inclined modular conveyor belts
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Modular curved conveyor
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Special conveyors
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Straight-line modular conveyor belts

Conveyor belt Types


Features of Modular Conveyor Belt

Our modular chain conveyors are made of high-quality plastic links that are securely connected by means of hinge pins. What makes these belts unique is that they can move good both straight and around corners. All in one system. This gives you a slip-resistant and sporulation-free conveyor system.

Modulair transport

Intralox I-Drive modules

If you’re looking for a long production line, a race track or a cooling unit, our modular conveyors combined with Intralox i-Drive modules are the answer. This combination lets you set up an endless conveyor system, without annoying belt transitions. Want to know more about our partnership with Intralox and how our I-drive modules work? Then contact one of our experts for obligation-free advice.

Our Approach: Excels in Connecting

Connecting separate process steps creates continuity. In just five steps, we develop the perfect production line together with you:

Initial Meeting & Advice
Design & Proposal
Assembly & Setup
Installation & Transport
Service & Maintenance

Do you still have questions about our modular conveyor belt options?

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