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'Sterk in Verbinden'



The mastermind behind every project.
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Where craftsmanship and innovation come together

At Marvu, we recognise and value the power of talented professionals. As an engineer with us, you are given the opportunity to maximise your technical skills and creativity. In a stimulating and collegial working environment, we combine serious work with fun and aren’t afraid to show our renowned Brabant hospitality. Team spirit is a core value, and we strengthen this bond every year with inspirational activities.

This is what you can expect from us in your role as Engineer:

  • Plenty of scope for developing your own technical vision and creative solutions, as long as you achieve the project objectives.
  • Your contributions to innovative projects are valued right from the start, and you are given responsibility in designing and developing machines and systems.
  • The opportunity to continuously educate yourself through training and courses.
  • Excellent secondary benefits according to the Metalworking Company collective labour agreement, such as 25 days annual leave, 13 leave days in accordance with the reduced working hour scheme, and a solid pension scheme.
  • The chance to build a future in the world of technical engineering.

Your role as Engineer

As an engineer at Marvu, you play a crucial role in the design and development of our advanced conveyor belts and special machines. You are involved in challenging projects and have the opportunity to apply your technical knowledge and creative skills. You’ll be working closely with colleagues and will contribute to the continuous improvement of our products.

What colleagues find most inspiring about your position? The chance to come up with and implement technical solutions that help our customers optimise their production processes. Moreover, you’ll be working in a team that is always open to new ideas and innovations.

Tangible results

Marvu offers you the chance to translate your passion for technology and engineering into tangible results. As an engineer, you can count on a stimulating and supportive working environment that can lift your career to new heights. Join our dedicated team and help us shape the future of tech innovation!

This is how you create the ideal design in this role

Of course, we also look at your specific qualities. Here are some traits we believe are important for you as an engineer:

Creative and innovative

New solutions; they seem to come to you without any effort. Anything that doesn’t exist yet triggers your curiosity.


Planning and managing

Designing isn’t your only quality. You oversee your project and fix your own schedule like a real boss.


Technical drawing

It all comes together when your thoughts are transferred to the computer screen. But we’ve known all along that you’re up to the task.


A completed tertiary education (bachelor's degree)

In mechanical engineering, mechatronics or a related technical field.

Convinced? Apply today!

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