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Stol Inspection Systems, a pioneer in inspection systems for various industries, has partnered with Marvu on a unique project that is truly made to measure: Type 800 Metal Detection. Read the case study here.

Customised metal detection - Stol Inspection Systems

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Stol Inspection Systems, a pioneer in inspection systems for various industries, has partnered with Marvu on a unique project that is truly made to measure: Type 800 Metal Detection. Read the case study here.

Customised Metal Detection: The Challenge and Innovative Solution

The challenge was to seamlessly integrate the metal detection system within a food manufacturer’s existing production line. Marvu’s dedicated team developed a customised conveyor system, with a carefully designed Intralox bottle chain and adjustable side guides. This enabled Stol’s metal detection system to be perfectly integrated to flawlessly examine every product for unwanted metal particles. An ingenious turntable, designed and installed by Marvu, ensured seamless feeding of inspected products back into the production line.

Shared vision and collaboration: The success behind the scenes

Udo Stol, Visionary Director of Stol Inspection Systems, chose Marvu based on their proven track record in customised systems and in-depth knowledge of product handling. For Marc Vulders, the passionate director of Marvu food processing equipment, the true success of this collaboration lay in openness, mutual trust, and constant dialogue. This symbiotic approach resulted in a custom-made metal detection system that runs like clockwork and embodies the innovation and quality that both companies stand for.

Looking forward to a tasty future: results and future opportunities

The Type 800 Metal Detection project is a wonderful example of what you can accomplish when expertise and collaboration come together. The customised solution has not only brought about improved production processes but also highlights the shared vision of Stol Inspection Systems and Marvu to raise the bar in the food processing industry. While organic hazelnut pastes are finding their way to retail shelves, this collaboration remains an inspiring example of innovation and partnership for the future.

About Stol Inspection Systems

Stol Inspection Systems BV is based in Breda and acts as the central point of contact for the Benelux region. With an impressive experience that has already lasted more than two decades, Stol Inspection Systems offers unparalleled advice and solutions that are perfectly tailored to every business operation. The extensive range includes various options, ranging from cost-effective systems to highly complex solutions in metal detection, X-ray inspection, magnetic technologies and colour grading systems. Customers can count on the most reliable inspection equipment from Stol Inspection Systems and a reliable partner in detection technology they can trust completely.

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