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'Sterk in Verbinden'


Working closely with Banketfabriek Van Rooij, Marvu created a revolutionary solution for their production process. Read the case study here.

Smart automation - Banketfabriek Van Rooij

Workshop photo

Working closely with Banketfabriek Van Rooij, Marvu created a revolutionary solution for their production process. Read the case study here.

Efficiency first

At the heart of our solution are automated conveyors, which enable a steady and continuous supply of products. This eliminates the need for manual handling and creates a streamlined workflow that ensures consistency and accuracy. What was previously a potential source of unpredictability has now been transformed into a well-oiled machine that operates with precision.

Smart use of space and innovative solutions

But our solution goes beyond improved production processes. We also looked at optimising the available space. By implementing a strategic platform, we saved valuable floor space while creating a seamless connection between different production areas. The result is a harmonious interplay of efficiency and spatial optimisation.

Our solution is not only limited to the production unit itself. We ensured seamless integration with the existing production line, creating a streamlined connection that leads to the packing department. This ensures uninterrupted process flow and minimises downtime, optimising the overall productivity.

A new era for Pastry Factory Van Rooij

Thanks to our close cooperation with Banketfabriek Van Rooij, this innovative solution came about. By combining our expertise in conveyor systems with the pastry factory’s unique requirements, we created a bespoke solution that not only improved operational efficiency but also set a new standard in reliability and consistency. This solution illustrates our unwavering commitment to supporting our customers in achieving their production goals and taking the food processing industry to new heights.

About pastry factory Van Rooij

The picturesque town of Mill, located in beautiful Brabant province, is home to Banketfabriek Van Rooij. This leading producer of heavenly -tasting small puff pastries has turned its focus to increasing production capacity and has taken a bold step to do so. With the vision to grow and deliver even more tasty treats, the pastry factory has invested in a brand new wider belt oven that meets the highest industry standards.

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