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'Sterk in Verbinden'


After a successful expansion in 2012, this veal slaughterhouse continued to grow in size and performance. It is time to invest in a future-proof conveyor system. Read the case study here.

Making meat processing more sustainable – Vitelco

Workshop photo

After a successful expansion in 2012, this veal slaughterhouse continued to grow in size and performance. It is time to invest in a future-proof conveyor system. Read the case study here.

Custom-designed new layout: efficient production of high-quality veal

Marvu has played a crucial role in optimising Vitelco’s production process with its expertise in conveyor systems and customisation. The cutting and packaging line has been redesigned and installed to accommodate Vitelco’s growth and requirements seamlessly. With 10 ergonomically designed workstations ready for possible future expansion, Marvu has created an efficient and flexible production platform.

Marvu strategically repositioned the metal detection system to facilitate optimal control of the product flow and guarantee the safety of the finished product. In addition, Marvu modified the packaging line routing to enable smooth and streamlined movement of veal, resulting in better operational efficiency.

Collaboration and results: innovation through action

Paul Meeuwissen, Operations Director at Vitelco, emphasises the value of Marvu’s role and commitment. The project’s seamless implementation, thoughtful planning, and thorough preparation helped enhance the efficiency of the packaging process by at least 5%. This improvement was realised just a few weeks after the commissioning phase, and the project exceeded the set targets.

The collaboration between Vitelco and Marvu embodies not only innovation and customisation but also mutual trust and commitment to quality. While Vitelco upholds its reputation as a leading veal supplier, the partnership with Marvu remains an inspiring example of how efficiency and innovation go hand in hand in the meat processing industry.

About Vitelco

With a deep commitment to veal, Vitelco strives to achieve the very best standards for itself and its valuable partners in the chain. This aspiration is at the heart of their vision: where successful business results seamlessly combine with the creation of sublime veal products without losing sight of respect for the calves. Vitelco is undoubtedly the central hub in the world of veal and a trusted partner for its international customers. Part of PALI Group, a globally recognised livestock trading company, and meat producer, Vitelco is managing to anchor its strength and reputation even deeper within the industry.

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