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'Sterk in Verbinden'


Driven by an ongoing ambition to expand, Belki had no choice but to increase its production capacity. Read how Marvu came to the rescue in the case below.

Optimising the poultry slaughterhouse - Belki

Workshop photo

Driven by an ongoing ambition to expand, Belki had no choice but to increase its production capacity. Read how Marvu came to the rescue in the case below.

Efficiency and innovation in the poultry slaughterhouse

Located in picturesque Aalst, Belgium, Belki has become a leading player in the processing industry of high-quality poultry products. Driven by an ongoing ambition to expand, Belki had no choice but to increase its production capacity. In response to this challenge, Belki decided to overhaul the existing cutting line completely and even added a second line, with Marel providing the expertise for the cutting modules.

A customised solution for manufacturing growth

Marvu played a crucial role in the transformation of Belki’s production process. The objective of this project was to design and implement a brand-new conveyor system in order to increase production efficiency and, at the same time, create ergonomic and hygienic workstations.

A major highlight of this co-creative project was developing a custom-built right-angle transfer unit. This clever engineering feat ensures that products are seamlessly and efficiently transferred within the slaughterhouse, resulting in improved production flows and ultimate operator-friendliness.

Strength through connection: Belki's success story

Steven Jespers emphasises the value of Marvu’s role in this crucial project. Thanks to Marvu’s customised conveyor lines, the slaughterhouse can now operate much more efficiently. The expansion and optimisation weren’t only highly needed, but also confirmed Belki’s commitment to continuous improvement and innovation.

The partnership between Belki and Marvu is a testament to the power of customised solutions in an constantly evolving industry. While Belki continues its reputation as a supplier of high-quality chicken products, the partnership with Marvu remains an inspiring example of how efficiency and innovation go hand in hand in the meat processing industry.

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